Saturday, April 19, 2008

Who knew that working until 5am four nights a week would kill your social life and your immune system?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jenna's big bro is here! This means we get to be tourists again. Living here we tend to feel too much like we live here and we don't actually get out and see the sights. We took a tour of the underground city that's been built over, we've seen the castle (again), we're hiking Aurthur's seat and doing the Camera Obscura tomorrow and Calton hill today. We're also going to tour around St. Andrew's on Sunday; Steve wants to see the golf course and I might go visit my cousin who goes to school there. Busy busy busy.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Twenty-Fourth Jenna!

Jenna had a Scottish birthday on Thursday, Happy Birthday Jenna!!

We went to a Jazz bar and listened to live music and drank too much, it was wonderful. We had about a dozen people crammed into our apartment and we ate and drank and sang and drank. Did I mention we got drunk?

An update on the mouse front: We killed one in a trap the other day, and Jenna proceeded to almost cry because we were now murderers. I, however, am ecstatic about the death of the dirty little mongrel. I thought the whole escapade was over, but that same night I saw another little mousy-face peek it's head out from a little hole in the wall and look at me like, "Hey, what's up? You live here? ME TOO!" I screamed and jumped on my bed like a little girl, because that's what I do, and now I can't sleep at night. And when I do sleep, mice haunt my dreams.

Anyways, everything is still well. I am looking forward to seeing my cousins soon and for the weather to get warmer. I hope you're all well, and I'll soon be sending out postcards to those of you whose addresses I have. Miss you all!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

This Blog Was Written for Emily L.

Look! I'm writing a blog, WEEEEE!!

The reason, Miss. Emily L., that I don't write every day is because I save up all the good stuff to tell everyone at the same time so my life seems more interesting. Now that I've blown my cover, here are the not very exciting updates since yesterday;

1) At work last night, I was at the swanky upstairs bar of the club opposed to the main bar, which is medium-exciting. It's called the White Room and, shockingly, everything is decorated in white. It looks pretty cool when the lights are dimmed, actually, but it's a bitch to clean after all the drunk people leave. The owner of the club was there that night to party too, so we (and by "we" I mean "not me") gave him the VIP treatment including champagne for his daughters 23rd birthday. There were also at least 3 fights right in front of the bar, and one girl peed on my manager. Also, one guy stopped by to order a drink as he had two bouncers pulling him out of the club for punching a girl in the face. Have I mentioned how classy drunk people are, lately? I LOVE YOU DRUNK PEOPLE!!

2) I'm booking a flight to see my family in Exeter at the end of the month, thank the good lord. I need a vacation from my vacation.

3) I haven't seen much of Jenna lately... ask her why.

4) Em, what I mean by "cheating" is that, if I came home, what would be the point of having left in the first place? I'd just have to leave all over again, and it was hard enough the first time. Although, the alternative is seeing your gorgeous face again... My life is so hard.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Still alive. Working a lot. Missing you.

Would you go home to visit if someone offered to pay your way? I don't think I want to. As much as I miss everyone, it would be too hard to leave again. And I would feel like I was cheating. What do you think?