Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Our New Roomate

I’m sorry we haven’t written in awhile, but are very busy and important people. I’ll give you the updates:

1) My foot is still being a jerk and still hurts. I called my insurance company to see what’s covered in my travel plan and they said x-rays and visits to the GP are cool, so that’s what I’m gonna do I think. Go to a clinic and get a referral of some sort. I owe this advice to my brilliant cousin Rowenna.

2) Jenna’s working hard at her job, which she hates. But her boss loves her because she is perfect and gorgeous and is pretty much allowing her to choose her own schedule. Anyone else have a hint of jealous rage? …Just me then?

3) I’m still unemployed, but I want a job because money is somehow being siphoned out of my account… who’s doing that?!?! I’m sending out tonnes of CVs every day and have had a few interviews, but no luck thus far.

4) Funny story of the day: Last night while trying to sleep, I hear a rustling in the corner of my room. Sitting straight up in bed, I squint in the dark and what do I see? A mouse. Yes, an arrogant little shit who causes me to scream, and my scream causes him to run straight under my bed. I freeze in terror, unsure of what to do… do I leave my room? What if the moment my foot hits the carpet he decided to run out at me? So I call out at Jenna to come in and save me. I call again, nothing. “Jenna you had better get in here RIGHT NOW! HELP ME!!!!” She’s clearly in a coma, so I call her cell phone three times, all the while frozen in the dark, petrified of the stow away under my bed. Finally, after no reply, I leap to the floor and run for the door, leaving my bedroom light on, hoping that will keep mousey from exiting from his hiding spot. I jump under the covers with Jenna, who is surprisingly calm after hearing we have a new roommate and we try to fall asleep with the intention of setting up mousetraps in the morning. Just as we’re starting to doze off, we hear more rustling. The bold little guy is now in Jenna’s room, and proceeds to run under her bed at the sound of our screams. Jenna leaves and returns with a Tupperware container, confident that she will catch him. Her attempts fail, and we relocate back to my room around 2:30am and finally get to sleep. We still haven’t caught him, but once I set up the 1000000 mousetraps I’m buying, I’m sure he will be no more.

5) That is all I can think of for now. I miss you all! Don't forget to update me on your lives too, I feel like this is a very onesided relationship ;)

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